Understanding South Asian Collegiate Experiences: Facilitating Campus Leadership Self-Efficacy
Naren D. Selvaratnam, Prof. Dr. Barbara D. Holmes
Leadership self-efficacy of South Asian international students in the United States campuses is often not discussed in leadership literature. The following study explored collegiate experiences and leadership engagement of South Asian students. Informants of the study included undergraduate international students from Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Findings indicated a tendency amongst the informants to engage in leadership activities for self-development. Participating students considered acculturation and inclusion in the learning community, and decoding American academic culture as key concerns that act as barriers in the road to assume campus leadership opportunities. Even though South Asian international students demonstrate efficacious leadership activity engagement within the campus in the United States, students still stressed the importance of actively participating in activities that strongly align with cultural interests.
Keywords: Leadership Self-Efficacy, South Asian, International students
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